This Guy Wearing Harvard Sweatshirt Wants Everyone To Know He Got Waitlisted
Campus CultureStudent Life September 7, 2023 The New England Classic

FULTON HALL — What’s worse than wearing head to toe BC gear to class? One student, Wyatt Lyst (CSOM ‘25), bravely sports the answer to this question on a daily basis: merchandise from a different school.
Merch from a different, higher ranking school, is a great way to signal to your inferior peers that you are marginally more intelligent than them, and that you have yet to outgrow clothing trends from high school.
“I got this sweatshirt on my tour of Harvard a couple of years ago, and although Harvard wasn’t the right fit for me in the end, this sweatshirt definitely is,” Lyst recounted in a sweatshirt so tight it cut off the circulation in his wrists.
Lyst’s fashion statement seems to have influenced outfit choices of other Eagles who would trade Chestnut Hill for Cambridge in a heartbeat. However, since almost everyone at Boston College applied to and didn’t get into an Ivy League school, students have been looking for ways other than a collegiate sweatshirt to gain the validation of others. Coincidentally, the Classic has seen a recent uptick in students wearing CustomInk personally designed CitiBank sweatshirts. You do the math.
At press time, Lyst was overheard moaning and groaning about “totally failing” an exam he got a 92% on and sifting through a closet full of Ivy League sweatshirts, deep seated insecurity and questions about why he needs validation from his parental-aged professors in order to digest his food correctly.