Embarrassing: This Freshman Said “Have A Good Day Professor” To His Mom
FreshmenStudent Life September 20, 2017 The New England Classic
CLAVER HALL — In a recent phone call home, freshman Dave McDoug (LSOE ‘21) reportedly bid farewell to his mother by saying “Have a good day, professor.”
“God, I’m so embarrassed!” McDoug said in an interview. “I accidentally referred to the woman whose womb I once called home as ‘professor.’ Now she is going to think I actually respect her authority or something!”
According to witness Peter Pinkie (MCAS ‘21), McDoug’s roommate, the conversation “started normal” and “ended super weird.”
“I was eating a quesadilla in bed, like I do most Sunday mornings, when Dave decided to call his parents,” reported Pinkie. “To be honest I was a little surprised—the way he blacks out every weekend made me think he didn’t have parents—but he had a pretty normal-sounding conversation with who I thought was his mom. Then I heard him say ‘Have a good day, Professor’ and I was like whaaaaaa?”
Immediately following the traumatic event, McDoug reportedly became so flustered he turned bright red, ripped open his shirt like The Hulk, and ran through the hallway of Claver 1 scream-singing “How Far I’ll Go” from the hit Disney film Moana while appearing to lose all control of his bladder functions.
McDoug’s mother, Nancy, released a statement saying that while the event was “disconcerting,” she is “happy” her son seems to be feeling so at home at BC. “I’d rather him call me ‘professor’ than ‘bitch standing in front of the TV’ like he did while he was still living at home!” commented Mrs. McDoug.
At press time, McDoug was heard screaming “I hate you!” at his Principles of Microeconomics professor while storming out of Devlin 008.