The New England Classic
10 Questions The Marriage Pact Missed

10 Questions The Marriage Pact Missed

Campus CultureListsSex January 30, 2025 The New England Classic

"The Classic set out to research: How can we make the Marriage Pact even more accurate? The following are additional questions that would guarantee... 10 Questions The Marriage Pact Missed

LOVER’S LAKE — Every year, desperately single Boston College students flock to take the Marriage Pact in hopes to find their perfect match. Carefully crafted questions help pair up students that have similar values, behaviors, and opinions. However, not all Marriage Pact matches are perfect. The Classic set out to research: How can we make the Marriage Pact even more accurate? The following are additional questions that would guarantee 100% matches for all students across campus. 

  1. Are you more kiki or bouba?                                                                               
  2. Were you allowed to watch Spongebob as a kid?
  3. Pull the lever or let the trolley kill all those people?
  4. Do it squirt???
  5. Gay son or thot daughter?
  6. Did you ever have a hot cousin? Ayooo!
  7. How much do you pay for rent in New York City?
  8. What’s one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?
  9. Team Edward or team Jacob?
  10. Would you still love me if I was a worm?

We recommend asking your Marriage Pact these questions on your first date, maybe at Late Night or in the Plex hot tub. Have fun, love birds!