OPINION: Senior Five Lists Are A Shallow And Immature Concept, And Why The FUCK Am I Not On One Yet?
OpinionSexStudent Life October 12, 2017 The New England Classic
Before I begin, let me be clear about one thing: I have NO problem with the concept of premarital sex. In fact, I myself would LOVE to partake in it someday. But making a list of the top five people you want to have sexual relations with before graduation and publishing it anonymously in the Senior Five Facebook group for all the world to see? That goes too far in this girl’s opinion. And not including ME on that list? Well that crosses the line.
The whole concept of a “senior five” list is rooted in a SHALLOW need for others to validate a person’s sexual attractiveness. It’s PREPOSTEROUS that we should require our peers to declare us “fuckable” in order to feel good about ourselves and satisfied with our senior year.
I believe that in our self-centered, technology-obsessed society, we put far too much emphasis on how our friends perceive us. Nonetheless, I am PISSED that no one has included ME in their senior five list!
When I see my good friends ranked in such an objectifying way I cannot help but feel sorry, not just for them but for the student body at large. Such a tradition can point ONLY to a culture which revolves around NOTHING MORE THAN physical appearance and sexual desire.
By reducing human beings to names on a list, we rid ourselves of that which makes us truly unique. And if individuality has nothing to do with it, why can’t just ONE person mention my name?
Where is that kid who stared at me throughout every Portico lecture freshman year? What about the soccer player who relentlessly harassed me for my phone number at that mod party? Am I not worth including in your senior five list?
What gives people? Will this be the year that we banish this DISGUSTING tradition from Boston College? Can the class of 2018 come together and decide who to screw without posting the names of their fuck-crushes in groups of five? Will ANYONE include me in their senior five list?