The New England Classic
BC Ranked 189th In Free Speech: 10 Things You Can Now Say

BC Ranked 189th In Free Speech: 10 Things You Can Now Say

Big IssuesFeatured September 17, 2024 The New England Classic

BC is a free speech friendly campus! Boston College was recently ranked 189th out of 257 colleges and universities for free speech on campus.... BC Ranked 189th In Free Speech: 10 Things You Can Now Say

LAND OF THE FREE — Rejoice! Shout it from the mountaintops! Ring it on high! BC is a free speech friendly campus! Boston College was recently ranked 189th out of 257 colleges and universities for free speech on campus. BC is proud to be ranked above universities such as Gulag State and Censorship Polytechnic. Lavish in your newfound freedom with these ten things that you can now say:

  1. Father Leahy is hot:

This is the one that everyone has been waiting to say. We all know it’s true, and now the truth can set us free.

  1. I don’t know any of the lyrics to Mr. Brightside:

“Swimming through sick lullabies” really The Killers? What does that even mean? I’m not saying that.

  1. Kairos is literally just three days of playing tiddlywinks:

I went on Kairos, the first day was just learning the rules and manners of tiddlywinks and then the next two days we were forced to play tiddlywinks the whole time. They even made us play on the bus back to school.

  1. Being in a cappella is charming and not weird:

Does anyone else just have an uncontrollable crush on any and all a cappella guys? I can’t keep it to myself any longer, they are just so dreamy! Serenade me any day of the week.

  1. I am okay with people talking on O’Neill 5th floor:

In fact I think it should be encouraged. I WILL BE SO LOUD ON THE FIFTH FLOOR RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR EAR!!!

  1. ******REDACTED******

Oh… ok,  I guess you can’t say that one yet.

  1. Frick:

Ok, not gonna lie this one is a little naughty. I might not say it even though I’m allowed to. My mom might get mad at me if someone tattles.

  1. Baldwin isn’t a real eagle, it’s a guy in a costume:

I’m tired of pretending that Baldwin is a real eagle. I’m tired of doing the mental gymnastics to convince myself that a six-foot-tall eagle can wear a jersey, let alone walk upright on two legs. I’m tired of the lies.

  1. Hi I’m a woman, here’s my opinion:

Lonnnnnggggg overdue on this one. Wow. Just wow.

  1. I don’t know who Jesus is and at this point I am afraid to ask:

Someone told me he was the son of God, but I also heard he was a man? But then somehow also part spirit? And Holy? I’m just genuinely confused at this point.