UFC Fight Night – Paul VS Leahy
JesuitsLeahyStudent Life November 21, 2024
Leahy’s strict regimen consists of a healthy mix of intense water aerobic dance, low intensity steady state cardio on the PhysioMax Commercial Total Body Exerciser Upper Body Ergometer and Recumbent BikeTM, and 10 sets of yoga ball “goofing off” until failure to finish it up.
Read moreYikes! My Priest Is Texting On The Other Side Of The Confessional
Campus CultureJesuitsLeahyStudent Life October 23, 2024
“While most priests hold this as one of their highest duties to God, some priests like to get a little wacky after a few too many sips of Christ blood.”
Read moreAx observed the tree’s inability to photosynthesize following second hand Mango Crave exposure, along with root rot from pure cringe. “You don’t need to be a scientist to know that hearing Doses and Mimosas every weekend isn’t good for ecological sustainability.”
Read more“This week you will have one task: Holes. You’ll be digging up as many holes as you can. No breaks and no water unless you can find something for me. Something golden and rich. Something oily…”.
Read moreThe 10-Year Plan now calls for BC to level the Mods and build eight more Carneys in their place.
Read more“Once a man of God, now a God of love. This prim and proper priest who has spent the majority of his life being a figurehead at Boston College is ready to trade that position for a more pleasurable one”
Read moreBC Builds Outdoor Venue For Stoning Sinners And Heretics
Campus CultureJesuitsLeahyStudent Life September 27, 2023
“I’ve seen this campus descend into moral depravity and sin over my career and it’s time we enhanced the judicial processes outlined in the Student Code of Conduct,” said Fr. Leahy. “We need to go back to the good old days when people doing bad things didn’t go through a long systematic trial, and we just stoned them to death. This outdoor venue is exactly for that.”
Read moreBC students were shocked to receive an email on Wednesday from the Office of Student Services announcing an increase of $0.008 to their tuition, effective immediately.
Read moreFr. Leahy Invites Kanye West To Perform At MarMon: “I Think He’s Really Come Around!”
Big IssuesLeahy October 13, 2022
Leahy continued, “He’s saying things a lot of people are afraid to say nowadays, and I know the youth listen to him. Also, I love that bar where he’s like, ‘She say ‘Can you get my friends in the club?’ I say ‘Can you get my benz in the club?’ If not, treat your friends like my Benz, Park they ass outside ‘til the evening end.’”
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